latest news
Keynote presentation (14-18 February 2022)
6th October 2021
Prof. Electra Gieli will be a Keyneote speaker in the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Biosensors, to be held virtually at 14-18 February 2022.
Participation in CROPID project
30 September 2021
Prof. Gizeli participates in the newly funded proposal “CROPID: A digital ID for safe cereal crops in the agrifood sector”. The project, funded through H2020- DIH-WORLD Call, is coordinated by AgroApps SME. FORTH partner participates through Biosensors Lab and Plant Molecular Biology Lab (Prof. Kalantidis) to assist with the development of molecular assays for plant-borne pathogens.
Biosensors Lab is awarded HFRI grant to develop tools
for the management of COVID-19 pandemic
1st February 2021
Biosensors Lab received funding to develop a rapid diagnostic tool for COVID-19 antibodies detection directly in patients samples. The project, which has a duration of 12 months, will be carried out in collaboration with clinical partners at the Univ. of Crete.
HFSP press release for our scientific publication
The Human Frontier Science Program posts our recent publication on “Hybrid Sensor Device for Simultaneous Surface Plasmon Resonance
and Surface Acoustic Wave Measurements” that appeared in Sensors 2020, Vol 20, pp. 6177, in the HFSP News and Events.
Newspaper article on Biosensors’ lab activities on COVID-19
1st December 2020
Prof. Electra Gizeli talks to Y. Elafros at “Kathimerini” for the novel device and rapid molecular test developed
in Biosensors’ lab for COVID-19 and for applications at the point-of-care.
New peer-reviewed publication from our lab
30th October 2020
Hybrid Sensor Device for Simultaneous Surface Plasmon Resonance and Surface Acoustic Wave Measurements
by Samarentsis et al has just been published.
Invited lecture on the novel SARS-CoV-2 test developed in the lab
17th October 2020
Prof. Gizeli delivered an invited talk at the 18th National congress of the Greek society of clinical chemistry-biochemistry entitled
“A novel molecular diagnostic point-of-care test for SARS-CoV-2.
Biosensors’ lab molecular diagnostics technology under exploitation
14th October 2020
The lab’s portable molecular diagnostic device is ready for commercial release in the next few months for the detection of SARS-CoV-2.
An article in the Business section of the Greek newspaper Kathimerini is devoted on the new methodology
and FORTH’s spin off company BioPix-T which has undertaken the commercial exploitation.
We are recruiting…
10th September 2020
The lab is looking for two molecular biologists to work on the development of
diagnostic assays for COVID 19/FLU and plant pathogens.
Press coverage in 360Dx regarding COVID-19 LAMP test developed in Biosensors group
31st August 2020
Extensive article in press regarding new test, EU funding and spin-out company,
all related to Biosenosr lab. Further info in the relevant press release.
EU grant award for emergency action for SARS-CoV-2
11th August 2020
Biosensors lab was the recipient of significant European funding (2.3M€ in total) obtained under the emergency action for SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.
The work, which will be coordinated by FORTH and includes 7 more partners,
was one of the 23 proposals selected for funding from a total of 454 submitted ones.
Press release on BIOSENSORS lab in ΒημαScience
6th August 2020
ΒημαScience publishes an extensive interview of Prof. Gizeli regarding work performed in her group for the developmen of
a molecular diagnostic device (IRIS) and assay for COVID-19; the work is now under exploitation through spin-of company BIOPIX-T.
New publication in bioRxiv
22nd June 2020
Our new preprint, Real-time colorimetric LAMP methodology for quantitative nucleic acids detection at the point-of-care, can be found here.
New publication from Biosensors Lab
6th May 2020
3D-printed bioreactors for DNA amplification: application to companion diagnostics accepted for publication in Sensors and Actuators B
(available online: 21 April 2020)
HFSP grant award
3rd April 2020
Prof. Electra Gizeli from IMBB-Biosensors lab is recipient and will coordinate a new Human Frontier and Science Program (HFSP)
grant entitled “Self-organization and biomechanical properties of the endosomal membrane”.
HFSP Research Grants are highly prestigious and competitive research programs awarded
to interdisciplinary international teams. This year, 20 Research Grants were selected
for funding from an initial total of 549 letters of intent.
PhD student invited speaker
17th March 2020
Nikoletta Naoumi, PhD student with our lab, is an invited speaker
at the 8th Annual Diagnostics Innovation Summit, Developing Rapid Tests and Liquid Biopsies, 19-21 May 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
Post-doc position available
12th September 2019
Position: “Development of integrated system of plant pathogens field detection”
New FET-OPEN grant awarded to Biosensos lab
20th June 2019
Biosensors lab is the recipient of and will coordinate a new FET-OPEN grant entitled “Towards an instrument-free future for molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care (Acronym: Free@POC). The program involves the development of a novel diagnostic tool for genetic amplification and detection at ambient temperature, combined with smartphone operation. The consortium includes, in addition to FORTH, Pasteur Institute (France), Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (Italy), Gnosis Data Analysis (Greece) and University College London Hospital (UK) as partners.
Award of Fotis Kafatos Lab Box
17th January 2019
Α multidisciplinary group led by members of Βiosensors Lab (Prof.Electra Gizeli, Dr. Giorgos Papadakis and Dr. Alexandros Pantazis), Plant Molecular Biology Lab (Prof. Kriton Kalantidis) and the Experimental General Lyceum of Heraklion (Prof. Haris Dimitrakopoulos) received the First Award for their development of a portable Lab Box to detect genetically modified plants (see photos here and here).
The proposal was distinguished for its:
1) Scientific and educational excellence focusing on advanced technologies and biological issues of importance to the society
2) Innovative nature employing state of the art methodologies
3) Global application to molecular diagnostics
The concept is illustrated in a short video by Dr Pantazis.
Grant awarded
26th November 2018
Patras Science Park “Proof-of-Concept” grant is awarded to Dr G. Papadakis and Prof. E. Gizeli in order to bring innovation developed within Biosenors’ Lab to a commercialization stage. The grant concerns the development of a digital colorimetric DNA analysis method for the real-time and quantitative detection of nucleic acids in unprocessed human, plant and food samples. The platform which is portable and operates via a smartphone, has the potential to impact healthcare and agro/food safety.
Invited presentation of Lab on Chip research in RME2018
6th November 2018
Prof. Electra Gizeli delivered an invited talk at the Rapid Analysis Diagnistics2018 conference in Amsterdam. The invitation concerned her group’s work on the development of a rapid Lab-on-Chip platform for foodborne pathogens detection. This work has been carried out within the EU funded project LoveFood2Market and in collaboration with five more partners.
Invited presentation in NanoBio Conference
28th September 2018
Prof Electra Gizeli was invited to present her group’s work at the
1st International Conference of Nanotechnology and Bionanoscience that took place in Heraklion, Crete
Lab member awarded competitive studentship
24th September 2018
PhD student Tassos Samarentsis received highly competitive studentship from the State Scholarships Foundation (Ίδρυμα ΚρατικÏŽν ΥποτροφιÏŽν – ΙΚΥ) for his proposal on “Development of a combined Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) systerm for biophysical studies and clinical analysis”
Organisation of workshop
12th September 2018
Organisation of 1-day workshop “Industrial needs regarding foodborne pathogens testing and potential role of emerging technologies” at IMBB-FORTH. The workshop was organised as part of the EU-funded project LoveFood2Market.
Biosensors Lab at TIF 2018
5th September 2018
Biosensors Lab represents IMBB in Thessaloniki International Fair 2018 and presents its work on research and innovation
Prof. Gizeli new Deputy Director at IMBB
12th June 2018
Prof. E. Gizeli has been appointed Deputy Director of Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Lab member awarded studentship
6th June 2018
Congratulations to Gesthimani Theodosi, MSc student of the “Molecular Biology and Biomedicine” program, for being awarded one of the two “Maria Michail Manassaki” studentships offered to the Dept. of Biology graduates. The award is given to students with excellent performance in their undergraduate and graduate studies.
Plenary lecture by Prof. E. Gizeli
21st September 2017
Prof. Electra Gizeli delivers a Plenary Lecture at the 10th International Conference of Instrumental Methods of Analysis (IMA)-2017, Heraklion, Greece, on “Acoustic Sensors for molecular diagnostics and point-of-care”
Grant from State Scholarship Foundation
14th June 2017
Dr. Dimitra Milioni is awarded the “IKY Fellowships of Excellence for Postgraduate Studies in Greece – Siemens Programme”.
Invited talk by Prof. E. Gizeli
1st April 2017
Prof. Electra Gizeli is invited to give a talk on ” Acoustic waves for biosensing and moleculatr diagnostics” at the 2-day meeting on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Interfaces organized at the Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem, Israel
New website launched
21st February 2017
Our brand new website has just been launched. Readers are welcome to read about our research activities, get acquainted with our group members and search our publications database.
FET-OPEN grant awarded to Biosensors group
15th February 2017
The highly prestigious FET-OPEN grant was awarded by the European Commission to the project “CATCH-U-DNA”, submitted by 7 partners with Prof. E. Gizeli as the coordinator. The work proposes a radically new and highly ambitious plan to develop a platform that could replace the PCR amplification method with an ultrasensitive detection scheme based on the use of ultrasound hydrodynamics. The method will be validated during the detection of common mutations found in colorectal and lung cancer.
Grant from French Ministry of Education and Research
20th September 2016
Dr Dimitra Milioni and Biosensors lab are awarded a collaboration grant from the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research for collaboration with Laboratoire des BioMolécules at UPMC-Paris 6.
E. Gizeli elected FRSC
20th August 2016
Prof Electra Gizeli is elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.